Source code for qwiic_pca9685

# SparkFun PCA9685 Python Library
# Written by SparkFun Electronics, June 2019
# Author: Wes Furuya
# Compatibility:
#	* Original:
#	* v2:
# Do you like this library? Help support SparkFun. Buy a board!
# For more information on Pi Servo Hat, check out the product page
# linked above.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Copyright (c) 2019 SparkFun Electronics
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
# the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# pylint: disable=line-too-long, bad-whitespace, invalid-name

Python module for the [SparkFun Pi Servo HAT]( and [SparkFun Servo pHAT for Raspberry Pi](
This package should be used in conjunction with the i2c_driver package contained in the [SparkFun qwiic Python Package](

# Load Necessary Modules:
import time						# Time access and conversion package
import math						# Basic math package
import qwiic_i2c				# I2C bus driver package

# Device Name:
_DEFAULT_NAME = "Qwiic PCA9685"

# Device Address:
Some devices have multiple available addresses - this is a list of these
NOTE: The first address in this list is considered the default I2C
address for the device.

According to the datasheet, the I2C address for the PCA9865 chip is
hardware selectable, with 64 options (7-bit: 1000 000 to 1111 111);
excluding the Software Reset (0000 0110) and LED All Call (1110 000),
leaving a maximum of 62 addresses.

	Reserved Addresses:
		All Call Address = 			0x70			(7-bit: 1110 000X or E0h)
		General Call Address = 		0x00			(Part of I2C Protocol)

	Reserved Addresses (Optional):
		Sub Call Address 1 = 		0x71			(7-bit: 1110 001X or E2h)
		Sub Call Address 2 = 		0x72			(7-bit: 1110 010X or E4h)
		Sub Call Address 3 = 		0x74			(7-bit: 1110 100X or E8h)
		10-bit Addressing Scheme = 	0x78 to 0x7B

	Reserved Addresses (I2C Protocol):
		General Call Address = 		0x00			(7-bit: 0000 000)
		CBUS Address = 				0x01			(not listed in Datasheet)
		Alternative Bus Format =	0x02			(not listed in Datasheet)
		Future Use = 				0x03			(7-bit: 0000 011)
		Hs-mode Master Code = 		0x04 to 0x07	(7-bit: 0000 1XX)
		10-bit Addressing Scheme = 	0x78 to 0x7B	(7-bit: 1111 0XX)
		Future Use = 				0x7C to 0x7F	(7-bit: 1111 1XX)

	NOTE: I'm not sure how NXP got to 62 as the Software Reset address
	doesn't fall in the available options. Additionally, it is a command
	bit sent after the the General Call Address. (Let me know if you
	figure this out, so I can comment this library properly.)
_AVAILABLE_I2C_ADDRESS = list(range(0x40,0x7F+1))		# Full Address List

# Special Use Addresses:
_gcAddr =		0x00 	# General Call address for software reset
_acAddr =		0x70	# All Call address- used for modifications to
						# multiple PCA9685 chips reguardless of thier
						# I2C address set by hardware pins (A0 to A5).
_subAddr_1 =	0x71	# 1110 001X or 0xE2 (7-bit)
_subAddr_2 =	0x72	# 1110 010X or 0xE4 (7-bit)
_subAddr_3 =	0x74	# 1110 100X or 0xE8 (7-bit)

# Software Reset "Address":
Used when a reset needs to be performed by the master.

NOTE: Used with General Call address... more like a command
_SWRST =	0x06 	# Equivalent of reset byte 0000 011

# Registers:
List of available registers and their functions

According to the datasheet, these registers are access by the 'Control
Register', which acts as a pointer register. The control register takes
the following format:

[D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0]

Reset State = 00h

To list all available registers:
list(range(69+1)) + list(range(250, 255+1))
Auto Increment past register 69 will point to MODE1 register (register
0). Auto Increment also works from register 250 to register 254, then
rolls over to register 0.

MODE1 = 			0x00	# Mode register 1
MODE2 = 			0x01	# Mode register 2
SUBADR1 = 			0x02	# I2C subaddress 1
SUBADR2 = 			0x03	# I2C subaddress 2
SUBADR3 = 			0x04	# I2C subaddress 3
ALLCALLADR = 		0x05	# LED All Call I2C adress

LED0_ON_L =			0X06	# LED0 output and brightness control byte 0
LED0_ON_H = 		0X07	# LED0 output and brightness control byte 1
LED0_OFF_L = 		0X08	# LED0 output and brightness control byte 2
LED0_OFF_H = 		0X09	# LED0 output and brightness control byte 3

ALL_LED_ON_L = 		0XFA	# ALL_LED output and brightness control byte 0
# ALL_LED_ON_H = 		0XFB	# ALL_LED output and brightness control byte 1
ALL_LED_OFF_L = 	0XFC	# ALL_LED output and brightness control byte 2
# ALL_LED_OFF_H = 	0XFD	# ALL_LED output and brightness control byte 3

PRE_SCALE = 		0XFE	# Prescaler for PWM output frequency
_TESTMODE = 		0xFF	# Defines test mode to be entered (Should not be used!)

# LED1_ON_L = 		0X0A	# LED1 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED1_ON_H = 		0X0B	# LED1 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED1_OFF_L = 		0X0C	# LED1 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED1_OFF_H = 		0X0D	# LED1 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED2_ON_L = 		0X0E	# LED2 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED2_ON_H = 		0X0F	# LED2 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED2_OFF_L = 		0X10	# LED2 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED2_OFF_H = 		0X11	# LED2 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED3_ON_L = 		0X12	# LED3 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED3_ON_H = 		0X13	# LED3 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED3_OFF_L = 		0X14	# LED3 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED3_OFF_H = 		0X15	# LED3 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED4_ON_L = 		0X16	# LED4 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED4_ON_H = 		0X17	# LED4 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED4_OFF_L = 		0X18	# LED4 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED4_OFF_H = 		0X19	# LED4 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED5_ON_L = 		0X1A	# LED5 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED5_ON_H = 		0X1B	# LED5 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED5_OFF_L = 		0X1C	# LED5 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED5_OFF_H = 		0X1D	# LED5 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED6_ON_L = 		0X1E	# LED6 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED6_ON_H = 		0X1F	# LED6 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED6_OFF_L = 		0X20	# LED6 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED6_OFF_H = 		0X21	# LED6 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED7_ON_L = 		0X22	# LED7 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED7_ON_H = 		0X23	# LED7 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED7_OFF_L = 		0X24	# LED7 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED7_OFF_H = 		0X25	# LED7 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED8_ON_L = 		0X26	# LED8 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED8_ON_H = 		0X27	# LED8 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED8_OFF_L = 		0X28	# LED8 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED8_OFF_H = 		0X29	# LED8 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED9_ON_L = 		0X2A	# LED9 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED9_ON_H = 		0X2B	# LED9 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED9_OFF_L = 		0X2C	# LED9 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED9_OFF_H = 		0X2D	# LED9 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED10_ON_L = 		0X2E	# LED10 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED10_ON_H = 		0X2F	# LED10 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED10_OFF_L = 	0X30	# LED10 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED10_OFF_H = 	0X31	# LED10 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED11_ON_L = 		0X32	# LED11 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED11_ON_H = 		0X33	# LED11 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED11_OFF_L = 	0X34	# LED11 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED11_OFF_H = 	0X35	# LED11 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED12_ON_L = 		0X36	# LED12 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED12_ON_H = 		0X37	# LED12 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED12_OFF_L = 	0X38	# LED12 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED12_OFF_H = 	0X39	# LED12 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED13_ON_L = 		0X3A	# LED13 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED13_ON_H = 		0X3B	# LED13 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED13_OFF_L = 	0X3C	# LED13 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED13_OFF_H = 	0X3D	# LED13 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED14_ON_L = 		0X3E	# LED14 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED14_ON_H = 		0X3F	# LED14 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED14_OFF_L = 	0X40	# LED14 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED14_OFF_H = 	0X41	# LED14 output and brightness control byte 3

# LED15_ON_L = 		0X42	# LED15 output and brightness control byte 0
# LED15_ON_H = 		0X43	# LED15 output and brightness control byte 1
# LED15_OFF_L = 	0X44	# LED15 output and brightness control byte 2
# LED15_OFF_H = 	0X45	# LED15 output and brightness control byte 3

# PWM Channels
This device has multiple PWM channels - this is a list of these
NOTE: The first address in this list is considered the default PWM
channel for the device.

The variable 'pwm_channels' can be modified for chip sets with similar
pwm_channels = 16
_AVAILABLE_PWM_CHANNELS = list(range(pwm_channels))		# Full List of PWM Channels

# SparkFun PCA9685 Class/Object
[docs]class QwiicPCA9685(object): """ SparkFunPCA9685 Initialise the PCA9685 chip at ``address`` with ``i2c_driver``. :param address: The I2C address to use for the device. If not provided, the default address is used. :param i2c_driver: An existing i2c driver object. If not provided a driver object is created. :return: Constructor Initialization True- Successful False- Issue loading I2C driver :rtype: Bool """ #---------------------------------------------- # Device Name: device_name = _DEFAULT_NAME #---------------------------------------------- # Available Addresses: available_addresses = _AVAILABLE_I2C_ADDRESS #---------------------------------------------- # Available Channels: available_pwm_channels = _AVAILABLE_PWM_CHANNELS #---------------------------------------------- # Constructor def __init__(self, address = None, debug = None, i2c_driver = None): """ This method initializes the class object. If no 'address' or 'i2c_driver' are inputed or 'None' is specified, the method will use the defaults. :param address: The I2C address to use for the device. If not provided, the method will default to the first address in the 'available_addresses' list. Default = 0x40 :param debug: Designated whether or not to print debug statements. 0- Don't print debug statements 1- Print debug statements :param i2c_driver: An existing i2c driver object. If not provided a driver object is created from the 'qwiic_i2c' I2C driver of the SparkFun Qwiic library. """ # Did the user specify an I2C address? # Defaults to 0x40 if unspecified. self.address = address if address != None else self.available_addresses[0] # Load the I2C driver if one isn't provided if i2c_driver == None: self._i2c = qwiic_i2c.getI2CDriver() if self._i2c == None: print("Unable to load I2C driver for this platform.") return else: self._i2c = i2c_driver # Do you want debug statements? if debug == None: self.debug = 0 # Debug Statements Disabled else: self.debug = debug # Debug Statements Enabled (1) #======================================================================= # Secondary Functions #======================================================================= #---------------------------------------------- # Reads value of specific bit in byte def __readBit__(self, byte, bit_number): """ This method returns the value of a specific bit in a byte. :param byte: Integer or Hex value. :param bit_number: The index number of the bit you are interested in, starting from LSB = 0. :return: Value of bit at bit_number location. (0 or 1) :rtype: Integer :example: byte = 0x12 (HEX), 12h, or 16 (DEC) Binary: 0001 0010 index: 7654 3210 | | MSB LSB bit_number = 4 returns: 1 """ if len(bin(byte)) < bit_number: # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Bit number is outside the bounds of the byte length.") # Returns 0 because bit location is outside the length of # the byte (i.e. leading zeros) return 0 else: mask = 1 << bit_number # Returns value of bit return (byte & mask) >> bit_number #---------------------------------------------- # Writes value to specific bit in byte def __writeBit__(self, byte, bit_number, value): """ This method modifies a byte at specific bit, with a specified value. :param byte: Integer or Hex value. :param bit_number: The index number of the bit you are interested in, starting from LSB = 0. :param value: Value to be set at specific bit location (0 or 1). :return: Value of modified byte :rtype: Integer :example: Original Byte: byte = 0x12 (HEX), 12h, or 16 Binary: 0001 0010 index: 7654 3210 | | MSB LSB Change: bit_number = 4 value = 0 Output Byte: returns: 2 Binary: 0000 0010 """ # A mask for the specified bit to change. mask = 1 << bit_number if len(bin(byte)) < bit_number: # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Bit number is outside the bounds of the byte length.") print("Bit number: %s" % bit_number) print("Byte length: %s" % len(bin(byte))) # A mask with length of bit_number with all bits of "value" bit_mask = (1 - value) * (2**bit_number -1) else: # A mask with length of byte of all "value" bit_mask = (1 - value) * (2**len(bin(byte)) -1) # Writes value in byte at bit_number byte ^= (~bit_mask ^ byte) & mask # Returns modified byte return byte #---------------------------------------------- # Checks I2C connection
[docs] def is_connected(self): """ This method checks if the "i2c_driver" can connect to the device at the specified or default address. :return: Device Connection True- Successful False- Can't find device :rtype: Bool """ return qwiic_i2c.isDeviceConnected(self.address)
#---------------------------------------------- # Checks Value of Address Bits
[docs] def get_addr_bit(self, addr_bit = None): """ Reads value of specified address bit in MODE 1 register. :param addr_bit: Specify address bit. 0- ALLCALL Bit (Default) 1- SUB1 Bit 2- SUB2 Bit 3- SUB3 Bit :return: Value of specified address bit. 0- Normal Mode 1- Low Power Mode; Oscillator Off. (Default) :rtype: Integer """ # Read MODE1 register mode1 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE1) if addr_bit == None: # If no input for addr_bit, sets to ALLCALL get_addr_bit = 0 # ALLCALL bit elif addr_bit < 0 or addr_bit > 3: # Checks for valid input # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid addr_bit input. Selecting ALLCALL bit.") get_addr_bit = 0 # ALLCALL bit else: # Use input 'addr_bit' get_addr_bit = addr_bit # Reads specified address bit in MODE1. addrMode = self.__readBit__(mode1, get_addr_bit) return addrMode
#---------------------------------------------- # Writes Value to Address Bits
[docs] def set_addr_bit(self, addr_bit, value): """ Writes value to specified address bit in MODE 1 register. :param addr_bit: Specify address bit. 0- ALLCALL Bit 1- SUB1 Bit 2- SUB2 Bit 3- SUB3 Bit :param value: Specify address bit. 0- Disables specified address (Default on SUB1, SUB2, SUB3) 1- Enables specified address (Default on ALLCALL) """ # Read MODE1 register mode1 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE1) # Checks for valid input if addr_bit < 0 or addr_bit > 3: # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid addr_bit input.") return #False else: # Use input 'addr_bit' set_addr_bit = addr_bit if value != 0 and value != 1: # Checks for valid input # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid value input.") return #False else: # Use input 'value' set_value = value # Writes to specified address bit in MODE1. addrMode = self.__writeBit__(mode1, set_addr_bit, set_value) self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, MODE1, addrMode)
#---------------------------------------------- # Checks Value of SLEEP Bit
[docs] def get_sleep_bit(self): """ Reads value of SLEEP bit in MODE 1 register. When enabled, it the chip there is no PWM control. :return: Value of SLEEP bit. 0- Normal Mode 1- Low Power Mode; Oscillator Off. (Default) :rtype: Integer """ # Read MODE1 register mode1 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE1) sleep_bit = 4 # Fifth bit in register # Reads SLEEP bit in MODE1. sleepMode = self.__readBit__(mode1, sleep_bit) return sleepMode
#---------------------------------------------- # Writes Value to SLEEP Bit
[docs] def set_sleep_bit(self, value = None): """ Changes value of SLEEP bit in MODE 1 register. :param value: Value to set SLEEP bit. 0- Normal Mode 1- Low Power Mode; Oscillator Off. (Default) """ # Read MODE1 register mode1 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE1) sleep_bit = 4 # Fifth bit in register if value == None: # If no input value, sets to default value set_value = 1 # Default elif value != 0 and value != 1: # Checks for valid input # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid value input. Setting to default value (1 = Low Power Mode; Oscillator Off).") set_value = 1 # Default else: # Use input 'value' set_value = value # Writes 'value' to the SLEEP bit in the MODE 1 register sleepMode = self.__writeBit__(mode1, sleep_bit, set_value) self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, MODE1, sleepMode)
#---------------------------------------------- # Checks Value of AI Bit
[docs] def get_auto_increment_bit(self): """ Reads value of AI bit in MODE 1 register. When enabled, it allows users to write of multiple bytes (i.e. words). :return: Value of AI bit. 0- Auto-Increment Disabled (Default) 1- Auto-Increment Enabled :rtype: Integer """ # Read MODE1 register mode1 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE1) ai_bit = 5 # Sixth bit in register # Reads AI bit in MODE1. aiMode = self.__readBit__(mode1, ai_bit) return aiMode
#---------------------------------------------- # Writes Value to AI Bit
[docs] def set_auto_increment_bit(self, value = None): """ Changes value of AI bit in MODE 1 register. When enabled, it allows users to write of multiple bytes (i.e. words). :param value: Value to set AI bit. 0- Auto-Increment Disabled (Default) 1- Auto-Increment Enabled """ # Read MODE1 register mode1 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE1) ai_bit = 5 # Sixth bit in register if value == None: # If no input value, sets to default value set_value = 0 # Default elif value != 0 and value != 1: # Checks for valid input # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid value input. Setting to default value (0- Auto-Increment Disabled).") set_value = 0 # Default else: # Use input 'value' set_value = value # Writes 'value' to the AI bit in the MODE 1 register aiMode = self.__writeBit__(mode1, ai_bit, set_value) self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, MODE1, aiMode)
#---------------------------------------------- # Checks Value of EXTCLK Bit
[docs] def get_extclock_bit(self): """ Reads value of EXTCLK bit in MODE 1 register. When enabled, it allows for an external clock signal. It also affects the refresh rate: EXTCLK refresh_rate = ---------------------- 4096 x (prescale +1) :return: Value of EXTCLK bit. 0- Use Internal Clock (Default) 1- Use EXTCLK Pin Clock. :rtype: Integer NOTE: This bit is a "sticky bit", that is, it cannot be cleared by writing a logic 0 to it. The EXTCLK can only be cleared by a power cycle or software reset. """ # Read MODE1 register mode1 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE1) extclk_bit = 6 # Seventh bit in register # Reads EXTCLK bit in MODE1. extclkMode = self.__readBit__(mode1, extclk_bit) return extclkMode
#---------------------------------------------- # Checks Value of RESTART Bit
[docs] def get_restart_bit(self): """ Reads value of RESTART bit in MODE 1 register. :return: Value of Restart Mode bit. 0- Restart Disabled (Default) 1- Restart Enabled :rtype: Integer """ # Reads MODE 1 register mode1 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE1) rs_bit = 7 # Eighth bit in register # Reads the RESTART bit from the MODE 1 register rsMode = self.__readBit__(mode1, rs_bit) # Returns the RESTART bit value return rsMode
#---------------------------------------------- # Writes Value to RESTART Mode Bit
[docs] def write_restart_bit(self, value = None): """ Writes values to RESTART bit in MODE 1 register. :param value: Value to write to Restart Mode bit. 0 or 1 :return: Value of RESTART bit after changes. 0- Restart Disabled (Default) 1- Restart Enabled :rtype: Integer NOTE: Value aren't set, just written. The bit is set by the state of the chip and its current operation. """ # Reads MODE 1 register mode1 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE1) rs_bit = 7 # Eighth bit in register if value == None: # If no input value # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid value input.") # value = 0 # Default elif value != 0 and value != 1: # Checks for valid input # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid value input.") # value = 0 # Default else: rsMode = self.__writeBit__(mode1, rs_bit, value) self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, MODE1, rsMode) # Returns RESTART bit value return self.get_restart_bit()
#---------------------------------------------- # Checks Value of OUTNE Bits
[docs] def get_outne_bits(self): """ Reads value of OUTNE bits in MODE 2 register. When the active LOW output (OE pin) is enabled, this setting allows users to enable or disable all the LED outputs at the same time. :return: Value of OUTNE bits. When OE = 1: 0- LEDn = 0 1- If OUTDRV = 1 then LEDn = 1 If OUTDRV = 0 then LEDn = high-impedence (same as OUTNE[1:0] = b'10') 2 to 3- LEDn = high-impedence :rtype: Integer """ # Read MODE2 register mode2 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE2) # outne0_bit = 0 # First bit in register # outne1_bit = 1 # Second bit in register # Reads OUTNE bits in MODE2. outne_bits = mode2 & 3 # outne0 = self.__readBit__(mode2, outne0_bit) # outne1 = self.__readBit__(mode2, outne1_bit) # outne_bits = outne0 << 1 | outne1 return outne_bits
#---------------------------------------------- # Writes Value to OUTNE Bits
[docs] def set_outne_bit(self, value = None): """ Reads value of OUTNE bits in MODE 2 register. When the active LOW output (OE pin) is enabled, this setting allows users to enable or disable all the LED outputs at the same time. :param value: Value of OUTNE bits. When OE = 1: 0- LEDn = 0 1- If OUTDRV = 1 then LEDn = 1 If OUTDRV = 0 then LEDn = high-impedence (same as OUTNE[1:0] = b'10') 2 to 3- LEDn = high-impedence :return: Function Operation True- Successful False- Issue in Execution :rtype: Bool """ # Read MODE2 register mode2 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE2) outne0_bit = 0 # First bit in register outne1_bit = 1 # Second bit in register if value == None: # If no input value # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid value input. Set bit value.") return False elif value < 0 or value > 3: # Checks for valid input # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid value input. Value outside bounds.") return False else: # Use input 'value' set_value = value # Pulls 'values' to modify OUTNE bits outne0_val = (set_value & (1 << outne0_bit)) >> outne0_bit outne1_val = (set_value & (1 << outne1_bit)) >> outne1_bit # Writes to 'values' OUTNE bits in MODE2. outne_temp = self.__writeBit__(mode2, outne0_bit, outne0_val) outne_byte = self.__writeBit__(outne_temp, outne1_bit, outne1_val) self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, MODE2, outne_byte) return True
#---------------------------------------------- # Checks Value of OUTDRV Bit
[docs] def get_outdrv_bit(self): """ Reads value of OUTDRV bit in MODE 2 register. Determines how the outputs are driven. :return: Value of OUTDRV bits. 0- Outputs are configured with an open-drain structure 1- Outputs are configured with a totem-pole structure :rtype: Integer """ # Read MODE2 register mode2 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE2) outdrv_bit = 2 # Third bit in register # Reads OUTDRV bit in MODE2. outdrvMode = self.__readBit__(mode2, outdrv_bit) return outdrvMode
#---------------------------------------------- # Writes Value to OUTDRV Bits
[docs] def set_outdrv_bit(self, value = None): """ Reads value of OUTDRV bits in MODE 2 register. Configures how the outputs are driven. :param value: Value of OUTDRV bits. 0- Outputs are configured with an open-drain structure 1- Outputs are configured with a totem-pole structure """ # Read MODE2 register mode2 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE2) outdrv_bit = 2 # Third bit in register if value == None: # If no input value # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid value input. Set bit value.") return False elif value != 0 and value != 1: # Checks for valid input # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid value input. Value outside bounds.") return False else: # Use input 'value' set_value = value # Writes 'value' to the OUTDRV bit in the MODE 2 register outdrvMode = self.__writeBit__(mode2, outdrv_bit, set_value) self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, MODE2, outdrvMode)
#---------------------------------------------- # Checks Value of OCH Bit
[docs] def get_och_bit(self): """ Reads value of OCH bit in MODE 2 register. Determines when the outputs change. :return: Value of OCH bits. 0- Outputs change on STOP command. NOTE: Change of the outputs at the STOP command allows synchronizing outputs of more than one PCA9685. Applicable to registers from 06h (LED0_ON_L) to 45h (LED15_OFF_H) only. 1 or more registers can be written, in any order, before STOP. 1- Outputs change on ACK. NOTE: Update on ACK requires all 4 PWM channel registers to be loaded before outputs will change on the last ACK. :rtype: Integer """ # Read MODE2 register mode2 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE2) och_bit = 3 # Forth bit in register # Reads OCH bit in MODE2. ochMode = self.__readBit__(mode2, och_bit) return ochMode
#---------------------------------------------- # Writes Value to OCH Bits
[docs] def set_och_bit(self, value = None): """ Reads value of OCH bits in MODE 2 register. Configures when the outputs change. :param value: Value of OCH bits. 0- Outputs change on STOP command. NOTE: Change of the outputs at the STOP command allows synchronizing outputs of more than one PCA9685. Applicable to registers from 06h (LED0_ON_L) to 45h (LED15_OFF_H) only. 1 or more registers can be written, in any order, before STOP. 1- Outputs change on ACK. NOTE: Update on ACK requires all 4 PWM channel registers to be loaded before outputs will change on the last ACK. """ # Read MODE2 register mode2 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE2) och_bit = 3 # Forth bit in register if value == None: # If no input value # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid value input. Set bit value.") return False elif value != 0 and value != 1: # Checks for valid input # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid value input. Value outside bounds.") return False else: # Use input 'value' set_value = value # Writes 'value' to the OCH bit in the MODE 2 register ochMode = self.__writeBit__(mode2, och_bit, set_value) self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, MODE2, ochMode)
#---------------------------------------------- # Checks Value of INVRT Bit
[docs] def get_invrt_bit(self): """ Reads value of INVRT bit in MODE 2 register. Determines how the outputs are driven. See Section 7.7 “Using the PCA9685 with and without external drivers” of the datasheet. :return: Value of INVRT bits. 0- Outputs change on STOP command. 1- Outputs change on ACK. :rtype: Integer """ # Read MODE2 register mode2 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE2) invrt_bit = 4 # Fifth bit in register # Reads INVRT bit in MODE2. invrtMode = self.__readBit__(mode2, invrt_bit) return invrtMode
#---------------------------------------------- # Writes Value to INVRT bit
[docs] def set_invrt_bit(self, value = None): """ Configures value of INVRT bits in MODE 2 register. Configures how the outputs are driven. See Section 7.7 “Using the PCA9685 with and without external drivers” of the datasheet. :param value: Value of INVRT bits. 0- Outputs change on STOP command. 1- Outputs change on ACK. """ # Read MODE2 register mode2 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE2) invrt_bit = 4 # Fifth bit in register if value == None: # If no input value # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid value input. Set bit value.") return False elif value != 0 and value != 1: # Checks for valid input # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Invalid value input. Value outside bounds.") return False else: # Use input 'value' set_value = value # Writes 'value' to the INVRT bit in the MODE 2 register invrtMode = self.__writeBit__(mode2, invrt_bit, set_value) self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, MODE2, invrtMode)
#---------------------------------------------- # Checks Value of LED Channel Bytes
[docs] def get_channel_word(self, channel = None, on_off = None): """ Reads the ON/OFF timing for the specified PWM channel. :param channel: PWM channel. 0 to 16 :param on_off: On or Off setting. 0- OFF Start timing (end of ON timing) 1- ON Start timing (anything greater than 0 is considered a delay) :return: Word (2 bytes) NOTE: There are two 12-bit registers per LED output. Both registers will hold a value from 0 to 4095. One 12-bit register will hold a value for the ON time and the other 12-bit register will hold the value for the OFF time. The ON and OFF times are compared with the value of a 12-bit counter that will be running continuously from 0000h to 0FFFh (0 to 4095 decimal). """ # Did the user specify a PWM channel? # Defaults to channel 0 if unspecified. = channel if channel != None else self.available_pwm_channels[0] channel_ON_L = LED0_ON_L + 4 * channel channel_OFF_L = LED0_OFF_L + 4 * channel # Enable word read/writes if not enabled if self.get_auto_increment_bit() != 1: self.set_auto_increment_bit(1) if on_off == None: return False elif on_off == 0: register = channel_OFF_L elif on_off == 1: register = channel_ON_L value = self._i2c.readWord(self.address, register) # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Stored value is: %s" % value) return value
#---------------------------------------------- # Writes Value to INVRT LED Channel Bytes
[docs] def set_channel_word(self, channel = None, on_off = None, value = None): """ Configures the on/off timing for the specified PWM channel. :param channel: PWM channel. 0 to 16 :param on_off: ON/OFF setting. 0- OFF Start timing (end of ON timing) 1- ON Start timing (anything greater than 0 is considered a delay) :param value: Value to be entered into the ON/OFF 12-bit register for the specified LED output. Word (2 bytes) :return: Function Operation True- Successful False- Issue in Execution :rtype: Bool NOTE: There are two 12-bit registers per LED output. Both registers will hold a value from 0 to 4095. One 12-bit register will hold a value for the ON time and the other 12-bit register will hold the value for the OFF time. The ON and OFF times are compared with the value of a 12-bit counter that will be running continuously from 0000h to 0FFFh (0 to 4095 decimal). """ # Did the user specify a PWM channel? # Defaults to channel 0 if unspecified. = channel if channel != None else self.available_pwm_channels[0] channel_ON_L = LED0_ON_L + 4 * channel channel_OFF_L = LED0_OFF_L + 4 * channel # Enable word read/writes if not enabled if self.get_auto_increment_bit() != 1: self.set_auto_increment_bit(1) if value < 0 or 4095 < value: # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: print("Error: Invalid input. Value out of bounds (Range = 0 - 4095).") # raise Exception("Error: Invalid input. Value out of bounds (Range = 0 - 4095). Entered value: %s" % value) return False if on_off == None: return False elif on_off == 0: register = channel_OFF_L elif on_off == 1: register = channel_ON_L self._i2c.writeWord(self.address, register, value) return True
#======================================================================= # Primary Functions #======================================================================= #---------------------------------------------- # Begin # Check I2C connection and configures the MODE 1 register for # PWM control functions.
[docs] def begin(self): """ This method checks if there is an I2C connection then enables the Auto-Increment bit for the writing/reading of words (for the output timing). :return: Function Operation True- Successful False- Issue in Execution :rtype: Bool """ # //Check connection if self.is_connected() == False: return False # I2C comm failure # Restart PCA9685? (leave out for now) # Enable Auto-Increment (Allows Writing of Words to PWM Channels) self.set_auto_increment_bit(1) return True
#---------------------------------------------- # Software Reset Call
[docs] def soft_reset(self): """ Software Resset Call: Allows all the devices in the I2C bus to be reset to the power-up state value through a specific formatted I2C bus command. General Call Address | SWRST data byte 1 Start | | Stop | | | | [S][0000 0000][A][0000 0110][A][P] | | Acknowldege from Slave | Acknowldege from Slave PCA9685 then resets to the default value (power-up value) and is ready to be addressed again within the specified bus free time. A falure or non-acknowledge from the PCA9685 (at any time) should be interpreted as a "SWRST Call Abort". """ self._i2c.writeCommand(_gcAddr, _SWRST)
#---------------------------------------------- # Restart
[docs] def restart(self): """ Restarts the PCA9685 after the soft reset. (Clears MODE1 register.) """ self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, MODE1, 0x00)
#---------------------------------------------- # Read Prescale Value
[docs] def get_pre_scale(self): """ Reads the frequency at which the output are modulated. The prescale value is determined by Eq 1 (below). Eq 1: osc_clock prescale value = round(----------------------) - 1 (4096 * update_rate) :return: prescale_value :rtype: Integer NOTE: Range: 24 Hz to 1526 Hz or (0x03 to 0xFF, Default: 0x1E = 200Hz). """ # Reads value in PRE_SCALE register. prescale = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, PRE_SCALE) # Debug Message: if self.debug == 1: # Print Pre-Scale Value print("Prescale value = %s" % prescale) # Calculate frequency based off internal clock frequency (default) est_frequency = float((25*10**6)/((prescale + 1)*4096)) # Print Equivalent Frequency print("Est. frequency = %s Hz (*Based on internal clock value)" % int(est_frequency)) return prescale
#---------------------------------------------- # Configure PWM Frequency
[docs] def set_pre_scale(self, frequency = None, ext = None): """ Configures the 'prescale_value', which defines the frequency at which the output are modulated. The prescale value is determined by Eq 1 (below). Additionally, the hardware enforces a minimum value that can be loaded into this register is '3'. Eq 1: osc_clock prescale value = round(----------------------) - 1 (4096 * update_rate) :param frequency: PWM Frequency (Hz) Range: 24 to 1526 Hz :param ext: External Clock Frequency (Hz) Default = None; uses internal clock frequency (25 MHz) :return: Function Operation True- Successful False- Issue in Execution :rtype: Bool PWM Frequency Range: 24 Hz to 1526 Hz or (0x03 to 0xFF, Default: 0x1E = 200Hz) Internal Clock: 25 MHz (Default) """ # Read MODE1 register mode1 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE1) if frequency == None: # Set default frequency (200 Hz) pwmPreScale = 0x1E # Default elif frequency < 24 or 1526 < frequency: # Checks for valid input print("Invalid frequency input. Setting to default value (200 Hz)") return False else: # if ext != None: if 50 * 10**6 < ext: # Checks for valid input print("Invalid external clock frequency input.") return False else: # Uses user input osc_clock = ext # Uses internal clock frequency if set to None else: # Check if internal or external clock is used # EXTCLK bit: # 0 = Internal Clock (Default) # 1 = External Clock Pin extMode = self.get_extclock_bit() if extMode == 1: print("External clock pin enabled.") # Notifies users external clock is used osc_clock = input("Enter external clock frequency (Hz): ") # Prompts user input # return False elif extMode == 0: osc_clock = 25 * 10**6 # 25 MHz (Default) # else: # print("Error reading EXTCLK bit from MODE1 register.") # return False # Calculate prescale value pwmPreScale = round(float(osc_clock/(4096*frequency))) - 1 # Writes 1 to SLEEP bit in MODE1 register. self.set_sleep_bit(1) # Writes prescale value to PRE_SCALE register. self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, PRE_SCALE, pwmPreScale) # Resets MODE1 register to original value. self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, MODE1, mode1) return True
#---------------------------------------------- # Clears RESTART Mode Bit
[docs] def clear_restart_bit(self): """ If RESTART bit is a logic 1, it clears RESTART bit in MODE 1 register by writing a logic 1. :return: Value of RESTART bit after changes. 0- Restart Disabled (Default) 1- Restart Enabled :rtype: Integer NOTE: Other actions that will clear the RESTART bit are: 1. Power cycle. 2. I2C Software Reset command. 3. If the MODE2 OCH bit is logic 0, write to any PWM register then issue an I2C-bus STOP. 4. If the MODE2 OCH bit is logic 1, write to all four PWM registers in any PWM channel. Likewise, if the user does an orderly shutdown [1] of all the PWM channels before setting the SLEEP bit, the RESTART bit will be cleared. If this is done the contents of all PWM registers are invalidated and must be reloaded before reuse. [1] Two methods can be used to do an orderly shutdown. The fastest is to write a logic 1 to bit 4 in register ALL_LED_OFF_H. The other method is to write logic 1 to bit 4 in each active PWM channel LEDn_OFF_H register. """ # Checks if RESTART bit is a logic 1 if self.get_restart_bit() == 1: # Writes logic 1 to clear the RESTART bit in the MODE 1 register self.write_restart_bit(1) else: print("Restart bit already set to 0") # Returns RESTART bit value return self.get_restart_bit()
#---------------------------------------------- # Restart PCA9685 from Sleep Mode
[docs] def restart_pwm_channels(self): """ Restarts all of the previously active PWM channels with a few I2C-bus cycles. :return: Value of RESTART bit after changes. 0- Restart Disabled (Default) 1- Restart Enabled :rtype: Integer NOTE: Only if the PCA9685 was operating and the user put the chip to sleep (setting MODE1 bit 4) without stopping any of the PWM channels, the RESTART bit (MODE1 bit 7) will be set to logic 1 at the end of the PWM refresh cycle. The contents of each PWM register are held valid when the clock is off. Uses the following steps: 1. Read MODE1 register. 2. Check that bit 7 (RESTART) is a logic 1. If it is, clear bit 4 (SLEEP). Allow time for oscillator to stabilize (500us). 3. Write logic 1 to bit 7 of MODE1 register. All PWM channels will restart and the RESTART bit will clear. Remark: The SLEEP bit must be logic 0 for at least 500us, before a logic 1 is written into the RESTART bit. """ # Checks if RESTART bit is a logic 1 if self.get_restart_bit() == 1: # Clear SLEEP bit self.set_sleep_bit(0) # Allow time for oscillator to stabilize (1ms) time.sleep( 10**(-3)) # Writes logic 1 to RESTART bit self.write_restart_bit(1) else: print("RESTART bit logic 0; not in sleep mode.") # Returns RESTART bit value return self.get_restart_bit()
#---------------------------------------------- # Enables EXTCLCK Pin
[docs] def enable_extclock_bit(self): """ Changes value of EXTCLK bit in MODE 1 register to enable EXTCLK pin. Once enabled, it allows for an external clock signal. It also affects the refresh rate: EXTCLK refresh_rate = ---------------------- 4096 x (prescale +1) NOTE: This EXTCLK bit is a "sticky bit", that is, it cannot be cleared by writing a logic 0 to it. The EXTCLK can only be cleared by a power cycle or software reset. """ # Read MODE1 register mode1 = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, MODE1) sleep_bit = 4 # Fifth bit in register extclk_bit = 6 # Seventh bit in register # Set SLEEP bit in MODE1. Turns off internal oscillator. self.set_sleep_bit(1) # Sets SLEEP bit to 1 = Low Power Mode; Oscillator Off. # Write logic 1's to both SLEEP and EXTCLK bits in MODE1. The # external clock can be active during the switch because the # SLEEP bit is set. extclk = mode1 | (1 << sleep_bit) | (1 << extclk_bit) # Sets SLEEP and EXTCLK bits to 1 self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, MODE1, extclk) # Sets SLEEP and EXTCLK bits to 1